Our services

Your Wellness Is Our Priority

Our services are available 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. We are happy to assist on a temporary, intermittent or long-term basis. We support people with a wide range of challenges and living situations. From general home care needs such as personal care or help with the shopping to more demanding complex care needs. Our highly-skilled, friendly care workers have a true passion for care they will work with you to help you live well at home and to continue enjoying life.

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Learning Disabilities

Live Well Healthcare provides person centred, planned, proactive coordinated and individually tailored care support to meet specific needs of each service user.

The overall aim is supporting our service users to reach their full potential and this is achieved by facilitating the learning of new skills and confidence building, whilst embracing the value of learning.

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Autism & Differing Behaviours

This service is delivered using the PROACT-SCIPr-UK Model. PROACT SCIPr-UK® is a holistic approach used when working with differing behaviours. Support workers are trained to identify triggers and recognise early behavioural indicators, using appropriate interventions to prevent a crisis from occurring. The proactive style improves the quality of life for our service users and their families; reducing social barriers and enabling a more active & fulfilling life.

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Mental Health & Brain Injury

Live Well Healthcare support workers are specifically trained to meet the needs of our service users with a range of mental health needs, varying from mild anxiety to severe mental health problems.

At Live Well Healthcare we understand that life after a brain injury or the diagnosis of a long-term neurological condition can feel challenging and confusing. Live Well Healthcare works with service users together with their families and friends and will help to support and enable our service users to reach their full potential.

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Encouraging Independence

  • Successfully living at home independently
  • Skills building to manage your money
  • Travel training to gain confidence and independence
  • CV preparation, job searches and role pay for interviews
  • Learning to stay healthy and exercising
  • Support with medication and health appointments
  • Discovering new hobbies, getting out and having fun!
  • Accessing vocational training and work experience
  • Managing correspondence and bills
  • Working towards independence with personal care tasks
  • Building social skills used to develop friendship
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Reach Your Full Potential

  • Continue to be supported to reach their full potential
  • Become independent; no longer requiring support
  • To fulfil their goal to enrol in education
  • To have reduced their hours of support
  • To fulfil their ambition to gain employment
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Our Specialist Reablement Services provides recuperative support to people following a hospital admission and during rehabilitation. This multidisciplinary intermediate care service was designed due to recognising the crucial role to play in supporting people to recover and gain independence including preventing the need for re-admission to hospital

Choosing a care provider is an important decision for everyone involved, both the person needing care, and their loved ones. You need a company that you can rely on, and people who are compassionate, honest and trustworthy.

General Information

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